Hanshi Kevin Chatwood has been active in the martial arts for thirty-eight years and is certified in instructing police and military personnel. Along with his Instructor Master Douglas Grose (10th) Dan (1922 – 2006), Founder of the American Jiu-Jitsu Karate Association International ( Est. 1945), he has taught police and military personnel, private and corporate security teams and undercover law enforcement and professional bodyguards.
He has been recognized for his contributions to the martial arts by the AJKAI, the International Okinawan Budo Kai, the All Japan Seibukan Martial Arts Association, the Universal Martial Arts Association and many other martial arts organizations.
Kevin Chatwood is the first recipient of the Soke Mike Hancock Modern Day Warrior Award from the Universal Martial Arts Association.
He holds Kudan rank in Shinto Yoshin Ryu Jiu-Jitsu, Shichidan in Shinmei Shorin Ryu and Shuri Ryu Karate-do and holds several Dan ranks in Kobudo, Judo and Aikido.
During the late 70’s and early 80’s Kevin Chatwood fought undefeated in tournament and professional kumite.
Kevin Chatwood is Vice-President of the AJKAI and is a Life member of the AJKAI, IOBK, UMAA, and associated with and is an advisor for numerous Martial Arts Organizations.
He is currently instructing private students and completing a book and DVD on Shinto Yoshin Jiu-Jitsu that was started with his Instructor.